23 maj 2013

46. natibaby fumus plum

30% silk
70% cotton

Blend sounds good but i am still not sure about natibaby`s silk, sorry. Even it was really supportive - it is too slippy for me ( in fact i didnt wash it yet, anyway, have red wine deers already with exactly same blend and they are still so slippy. I think that i simply like bit rough wraps, maybe thats why i am in love with all-linen, with Amelia Grad at first:))) )

Colour - after natibaby`s pic`s i was waiting for polish Juliet. Unfortunately - this is Juliet not, definitely. As first`s Fumus colour was really special - this one disapointed me at all - maybe cause of my Juliet-expectations. In fact - the best to compare it to red wine deers. Deers are bit deeper in red, fumus is more pink but it is really similar imo.

So i am not sure. I am afraid that it is not for me even love the pattern and pinky shades. So bit not happy with a wrap - would love it with other blend and no colour expectations.

Finally when im looking at our pics - i want it stay.
Hard life of addicted mama...

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