30 cze 2013

52. OSCHA roses juliet (linen)

Another part of our hols - Linen Juliet Roses. Supportive and beautiful, rare as their sisters - Scarista or Noel. Supportive as 50 % linen should be. Bit lighter than silk Juliets, much nicer imo. Bit shimmery as linen like to be, especially on pics. 

When i have sold silk Juliet`s my husband asked " why ? it was so nice. " but "..yes, maybe you are right. not so supportive "  (great hus, isn`t he? ;) ). So when i gave him linen Juliet (didn`t say how much i paid, sure not, he isn`t SO great, no miracles) he spent whole the day in hot Ciutadella city, walking with no any complains. And tats even not all. Throughout the hols he wanted to use just this one (even i took few kilo`s of wraps, had problems at check-in baggage ) tat finally i had to tell him bit about value and idea of sweeping road by the Juliet ends.. ;)

29 cze 2013

51. Oscha Midnight Grad

Grads - you can love them or hate them. No middle`s in here. I am grad-lover, definitely. There is some of them with no soul, but Midnight has it for sure. Few bit-windy-pics as they are well known i think :)

And nice preview of next note :)
(Could you believe toddler in FHI is very first time wrapped? :) )

28 cze 2013

50. DIDYMOS Papillon Rosanna

Back from hols. Our first in four. I am not sure if i am completely rested but happy and fulfilled definitely. We planned this since long time ago, so also was looking for perfect summer wrap for me. Surya Honey was good, Roses Scarista whereas at new home (missing it so much, so if you dont like your one - call me asap ;) ). So. Found it and straight marked as wanted. All cotton, great colour ; matching tan so good. Summer pattern. Thin and light. Searching wasnt easy, had some adventures, not always nice. But finally, few hours before flight.. it landed at my place. Yes! Tat`s wat i was looking for.

We spent together all day in Ciutadella, one of the biggest cities of Minorca. By the way island located next to Majorca, place where we got engaged ( so pic above quite sentimental and at the time). Anyway. Almost all the day in double hamock made me want this wrap stay forever. Supportive as Anniversary Pfau, Didymos cotton suprised and satisfied me again. Nothing more to say - beloved, simply Didy cotton, no for millions so can stay forever without any qualms but with big dose of sentiment instead as it accompanied us during this special time so truly :)

DIDYMOS Papillon Rosanna DIDYMOS Papillon Rosanna DIDYMOS Papillon Rosanna DIDYMOS Papillon Rosanna DIDYMOS Papillon Rosanna DIDYMOS Papillon Rosanna DIDYMOS Papillon Rosanna DIDYMOS Papillon Rosanna DIDYMOS Papillon Rosanna DIDYMOS Papillon Rosanna DIDYMOS Papillon Rosanna DIDYMOS Papillon Rosanna DIDYMOS Papillon Rosanna DIDYMOS Papillon Rosanna DIDYMOS Papillon Rosanna DIDYMOS Papillon Rosanna DIDYMOS Papillon Rosanna DIDYMOS Papillon Rosanna DIDYMOS Papillon Rosanna DIDYMOS Papillon Rosanna