Such an a m a z i n g Indio.
I love wool ( and:) ) indios generally but this one is just great, simply.
Thick and dense, but the wool is soft. Very supportive, much more than usual woolen wraps -
not stretchy at all but still moldable.
But all these things doesn`t matter at all because the most beautiful thing about this one is colour, so hard to catch on pictures. This is less blue than in pics and much more green. Unique colour blend makes this realy special one. I would say it is bit seagreen, but it is also smaragd. Not so easy. I have not seen picture which would be even close to real. I did my best but it is too blue in my pics, too.
They say there is an Indio for everyone. And this one is mine, for sure ♥ .
(ok, and Koralle, depends on season:) )

DIDYMOS indio greenland DIDYMOS indio greenland DIDYMOS indio greenland DIDYMOS indio greenland DIDYMOS indio greenland DIDYMOS indio greenland DIDYMOS indio greenland DIDYMOS indio greenland DIDYMOS indio greenland DIDYMOS indio greenland DIDYMOS indio greenland DIDYMOS indio greenland